5 Ways to Impress Your Customer in the First Few Seconds

It takes seven seconds to make a first impression but translate that to the first impression of a website that’s 0.05 seconds. Whew. No pressure. :)  Humans are quick to judge both in what they love and what they don’t. If a website is poorly laid out, filled with grammatical errors, or simply presents a poor user experience, consumers simply won’t come back. Actually, 88% of consumers have reported that they won’t return to a website with a poor user experience.

It’s important to make sure the first impression with your customers is flawless, but what if you aren’t even present for that first impression?  Most customers look at our websites and social media platforms before they ever step foot into a physical location or send an email to book a call.  That’s why a carefully thought-out online experience is put together with the customer in mind.

Let’s Talk Stats 

57% of internet users won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website

38% of users will stop engaging with a website if the content is not attractive

88% of consumers have reported that they won’t return to a website with a poor user experience.

75% of customers admit to making judgments about the credibility of a business based on the company’s website design. 

70% of small businesses do not have a clear CTA (Call to Action) on their website

It’s important to know these statistics so that you can create a thoughtful strategy that will allow you to make a powerful first impression with every customer. 

Quick changes you can make to your website to rock that first impression

Easy design with limited distractions

  • 94% of first impressions are design-related.  I often see clients who focus on one of two things - design or functionality.  I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be one or the other.  You can have a beautiful design while maintaining the functionality of your website.  Take a look at your own website and think about if you have sacrificed one for the other. If you’re not sure - ask a few friends to give you some feedback. 

High-Quality Photos

  • I mention the need for high-quality brand photos all the time.  Your website is not a place to use photos from your cell phone. They become blurry and pixelated and they don’t look professional. When budgeting for your website make sure to budget for at least one brand photoshoot.  

Easy Navigation 

  • Another common mistake I see is very confusing navigation.  We don’t need to add a million different folders and not every page needs a spot on the main navigation. Think about where you want your customers to go, where do they need to go to get the content or products they are looking for?  Keep it simple. You can add privacy policies, terms of service, and all of the other things in the footer navigation. 

Add a Search Bar

  • For so many reasons a search bar is needed on your website. It helps your customers find what they are looking for and it also helps you know what your customers are looking for so you can create more of that. It’s a win-win.  Customers who can’t find what they are looking for quickly will leave and may not return to the website. 

Clear CTAs

  • Call to Action! You need a call to action on everything - social media posts, blog posts, and your website homepage. Do you want them to read the blog, sign up for your newsletters, shop your products? Tell them that in clear text on your website. Looking for examples, head to my homepage to see a few strong call to action buttons. 

If this list seems overwhelming or if you need any help send me an email and let’s chat. I’d be more than happy to schedule a free 30-minute call to discuss your online presence needs. 



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