The Working From Home Mindset For Entrepreneurs with Kids

I’ve worked from home with kids since 2014 so I’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to pull it off successfully.  Working from home, especially with kids takes a lot of dedication, flexibility, and patience.  When I first started working from home I’d get so mad at myself for “wasting” my day but if I’m being honest those days were never wasted.  They were spent doing the other things I loved so much - snuggling my babies, keeping the house clean, meeting up with friends so our kids can play, and volunteering at my kids’ school.  The only time I wasted was the time spent feeling guilty for not being tied to my computer all day long.  

Once I learned to be patient with myself and flexible with myself I was able to find so much joy and freedom in my work.  As a recovering 9-5er, I required some time and experience to be able to shift my mindset to be able to enjoy the freedom instead of feeling guilty for it.  Luckily, once I found that mindset I’ve been happier than ever before. 


The Working From Home Mindset For Entrepreneurs with Kids

Embrace the Flexibility

Some people thrive off of perfect schedules, color-coded to-do lists, and very strict timelines.  When you own your own business and you’re working from home with kids you’re going to need to embrace the flexibility that it requires.  There are going to be days that your kids are struggling with schoolwork or they get sick, you may have a day that every single thing that could go wrong, goes wrong.  The best way to get through that is with a strong mindset and the ability to be flexible with yourself, your kids, and your work. I can’t speak for every situation but know this - the world won’t fall if you need to take time for yourself or your family and your kids will be okay if you need to tell them that you must prioritize work at that moment.  


No. Is a one-word sentence. 

You are not going to be able to do it all and it’s okay to say no to anything that doesn’t fit within your defined goals.  I have had to learn to scale back with volunteer work, some speaking engagements, evening events that take me away from family time, and I’ve had to be that totally mean mom that said no to my kids ;) Everyone survives and everyone is happier. 

My family is happier when I don’t over commit myself, my work is stronger when I stay focused on what really matters, and they find someone else to lead that project for the organization that I love so dearly.  It’s okay, I can support in other ways.  

Take Care of Yourself

There are so many articles out there dedicated to self-care and it’s important to remember that self-care doesn’t always come in the form of bubble baths and spa days.  Often it comes in the form of going to bed at a decent time and not overextending yourself late into the evening, sometimes it is saying yes to projects you are passionate about (or no to things that aren’t for you), and ya sometimes it’s buying yourself that new pair of shoes because damnit you worked hard for it.  You know what you need. Take care of yourself because your family and your work will notice the difference between the version of you that is rested and at peace and the version of you that is stressed and overwhelmed.  

Be Kind to Yourself and Others

There are going to be times you drop the ball or overbook yourself or you have to take a day off because you have sick kids or an emergency pops up.  Be kind to yourself.  Things happen out of your control and sometimes life gets the best of you.  It’s okay. It will all be okay.  

Be kind to others - it’s true that you don’t/can’t fully understand what someone else is going through.  Show kindness when you’re frustrated, confused, annoyed, or angry.  It will cause you more anguish by holding onto anger that you don’t need.  That doesn’t mean you can’t say no if it turns out the situation isn’t for you - but you can walk away with kindness.  


Have some fun and embrace the joy! 

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You are living a dream! Enjoy that.  When things get hard or schedules get wild or a pandemic hits and throws a major curve ball your way - learn to celebrate that you created this life and it comes with so much freedom and happiness.  Take that Friday off to spend with your kids, plan that happy hour with friends to get out of the house, and have a random dance party at 10 am on Tuesday.  

Your mindset is going to be the difference between excelling at work from home life or feeling overwhelmed by it.  I hope these tips help you create a life filled with joy and purpose as you walk the crazy world of working from home as an entrepreneur with kids.  

For more tips like these sign up for my email newsletter where I share only the best information on being a mindful business owner, digital marketing, and other random thoughts. 


The Story Behind Eryn Gilson Consulting